Embracing Identity in Gaming: Paving the Way for a Unified Experience for Gamers

Ravikant Agrawal
5 min readJul 17, 2024


Figure: Vision to differentiate real users with reputation in Gaming world

Excited to co-author with Dibyo Majumder | Heisenberg from Turf Gaming a thoughtful blog on how identity could help boost onboarding and retention of real users in Gaming world.

In the sprawling landscape of digital gaming, where identities are often scattered across disparate gaming platforms and ecosystems, a revolution is quietly brewing. This revolution centers on the concept of identity — a cohesive system that promises to transform how gamers interact, compete, and build their reputations across virtual realms:

  • Unified identity system enhances cross-platform gaming interactions.
  • Gamers can build and carry reputations across different games.
  • Promoting trust and interoperability in gaming ecosystems.

The future of gaming lies in embracing a unified identity system that connects and empowers gamers like never seen before.

The Current Landscape: Fragmented and Confined

Currently, gamers navigate a maze of GameIDs and profiles, each confined within its own walled garden. These identities lack interoperability, stifling the potential for seamless experiences across games and platforms.

Moreover, the value derived from these identities remains largely untapped, with little ability to extract meaningful insights or gamer reputation beyond individual games.

Figure: Present gaming landscape with fragmented gamer ID

As a result, the current system’s fragmentation prevents gamers from experiencing a seamless and enriched gaming journey, where their identities and accomplishments can be universally recognized and valued across different gaming environments.

Gamer ID as a Service: Unlocking Potential

Imagine a unified identity system for gamers — one that transcends individual games and platforms, fostering a culture of interoperability and trust.

Such a system would enable gamers to build a persistent reputation, carrying not just gaming credentials like gaming prowess, reliability, and achievements seamlessly across different gaming environments but also gamer’s social, onchain and personal credentials.

Bringing Value to Games & Gamers [ G’s ]

Building Interoperable Culture and Gamer Reputation

Central to this vision is the notion of self-sovereign identity- — a concept where gamers own and control their identity data.

By standardizing credentials such as gaming hours, achievements, and community standing, this system empowers gamers with a portable reputation that enhances user experience and trust across diverse gaming communities. An advanced identity system could enable such a gamer experience.

Vision with Turf ID: Ultimate Identity for Gamers

Enter Turf Gaming — a platform that embodies the vision of uniting the gaming ecosystems and bringing value to the unique gamers identities.

Here, gamers receive built-in credentials that are reusable across various games and platforms. Whether participating in tournaments, joining new communities, or simply showcasing their gaming pedigree, Turf Gaming ensures that every achievement contributes to a unified, verifiable profile.

That’s where we’re leveraging @PrivadoID’s (previously Polygon ID) Toolkit to design & curate the experience from scratch → We’re Live — Claim your TurfID @ 0xturf.gg. Privado ID, provides privacy focused identity tools that can enable users to control their reusable identity, simplifying gamers experience.

Use-cases: From Vision to Reality

  1. Interoperable GameID ownership: Ensuring Authenticity and Security

GameID ownership verification utilizes Decentralized Identity (DID) infrastructure to securely store and authenticate GameIDs. This system allows for seamless verification across different gaming systems and platforms. Esports organizations can use this technology to verify and control access to their communities, ensuring a secure environment and protecting against hackers.

2. 360 degree gamer reputation: Empowering users with persistent credentials

Gamers receive built-in credentials once in their identity wallet powered by Privado ID, which they can utilize across multiple instances. These reusable credentials encompass various aspects such as:

  • Personal (e.g. age)
  • Gaming (e.g. activity level, total gameplay time)
  • Social (e.g. YouTube followers)
  • Onchain (e.g. assets owned)

This approach not only enhances the overall gamer reputation but also enables personalized gaming experience. Additionally, players can receive targeted perks once they prove they are holding eligible credentials, helping onboarding more gamers while maintaining security and integrity within the gaming ecosystem.

3. Gaming Data DAO: Aggregating Insights, Empowering Gamers

Operating as an open-source decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) on the blockchain, serves as a collaborative platform where gamers can contribute and manage their data from multiple sources. This DAO allows any user or player to connect to its marketplace, pulling data from various gaming service providers and projects to construct comprehensive gamer profiles. The DAO could also issue VCs to the gamers for selected data points that gamer can use in larger ecosystem.

The DAO’s registry acts as a unified database, facilitating the compilation of detailed information such as gameplay statistics, achievements, preferences, and community interactions. This aggregated data not only provides a holistic view of individual gamers but also enables targeted advertising and campaigns by other gaming projects. This will enable a decentralized economy –games and other gaming ecosystem projects can pay a small fee to attract targeted gamers.

4. Verifiable Street Creds (Proof-of-Achievements): Preserving Gaming Legacies

Verifiable Street Credentials for Gamers involve issuing game achievements as verified credentials, allowing gamers to store and validate past accomplishments. Each gamer maintains a verified portfolio of in-game credentials, establishing a comprehensive record of achievements.

Proof of Achievements aims to aggregate all tournament and competitive successes for players, ensuring a complete overview of their gaming progress. Chain-agnostic provability seeks to unify fragmented gaming credentials, enabling cross-game utility across different blockchain platforms, enhancing interoperability.

5. Proof of Uniqueness (PoU): Identifying Unique Users

Proof of Uniqueness ensures that each user is uniquely verified, addressing the longstanding challenge of accurately identifying individual users and efficiently distributing rewards. that can prevent bots, PoU can

While Proof of Humanity (PoH) detects human to prevent bots from exploiting reward systems such as airdrop farming, PoU innovation will enable even more powerful ways for one individual to use multiple accounts to gain unfair advantages. By ensuring that each credential is tied to a unique individual, Proof of Uniqueness unlocks new possibilities enhancing the security and integrity of the gaming ecosystem.

Verax has integrated the PoU solution from Privado in their humanity campaign to bring more real users into the ecosystem.

Fast-forwarding to a New Era of Collaboration

The future of gaming lies in collaboration and interoperability — a realm where identities are not confined but fruitfully leveraged across games and platforms. By embracing a unified identity system, the gaming industry stands to unlock unprecedented value, fostering trust, innovation, and inclusivity on a scale never seen before.

In this evolving landscape, the promise of identity in gaming transcends mere integration — it heralds a new era of possibilities, where gamers and developers alike can thrive in a connected, cohesive ecosystem.



Ravikant Agrawal

Dir of Growth at Privado Id (spun off from Polygon Labs). Worked at Polygon Labs for 3+ yrs, Web3 practitioner, entrepreneur and mentor